Say no to getting bullied

Do you know, every year more than 3.2 million students in the world are overshadowed by the people who find some sort of entertainment by shattering others confidence . Some societies in the world consider these dominant figures as being “cool” in a way they can stand out of the crowd. How on earth can one become ‘cool’ by mentally or physically torturing someone? Some are bullied physically whereas some are bullied emotionally, either way its a mentally draining experience.

I, myself was a victim of this situation, a few years back. In my case, the most tragic part was that I was foreign to the idea of me getting bullied.I roamed around her like I was some sort of her dog. I guess this was because I was desperate for having friends, that I soon lost track of the position I was standing in.
Now that I think about it, it’s sort of funny and painful at the same time: funny because I actually let her bully me for 4 years and painful because no one around me help me realize what I was doing with myself. But someone once told me that “ one thing can only bother or effect you when you want it to”.

Thus, my message through this blog is, no one can bully you or dominate you until you have faith in yourself and confidence in your abilities because no one can stop you from conquering the world if you know who you really are. And the important thing to remember while being in a situation like this is: if you are being bullied then u r to also blame yourself because you don’t have the guts to stand up for yourself..
I was a coward once and I regret that but its never too late. I learned from my mistakes and made some really doop ass friends later on in life so STAND UP FOR YOURSELF and LOVE YOURSELF no matter what.

Question of the day;

Have you ever been bullied?? Share your story with us